Meet the Globe-Trotter: A Journey from Paris to Shanghai

For as long as he can remember, he has been a frequent flyer, his life chapters penned across airport lounges and city maps. It all began with an enlightening study abroad experience in Paris, the city of lights, where the blend of culture, art, and history ignited his passion for global exploration. But the journey didn't end in Europe. After graduating college, he packed his bags for Shanghai, a city that epitomizes the rapid pulse and dynamic spirit of Asia.

Now based in Shanghai, he serves as The Points Guy's (TPG) primary correspondent for all things travel in the Asia-Pacific region. His role is more than a job; it's a continuation of his passion, allowing him to dive deep into the nuances of travel experiences and share these insights with a community of fellow travel enthusiasts. From uncovering hidden gems in bustling city streets to reviewing the luxurious amenities of the world's leading airlines and hotels, his contributions help shape the travel strategies of thousands.

His travel appetite is insatiable, driven by a curiosity that's as broad as it is deep. Ask him about his next travel destination, and he'll channel Anthony Bourdain: "Anytime I'm eating spicy noodles in a bowl, I'm happy." This statement isn't just about the love for a dish but represents a deeper appreciation for immersive experiences, local cuisine, and the simple pleasures of exploring new territories.

Whether he’s navigating the vibrant night markets of Taipei, exploring the serene landscapes of rural Japan, or planning his next adventure, his life is a testament to the rich, transformative power of travel. Each trip is a new chapter, each destination a new lesson, and through his stories, we all get to travel along.
